Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week #1 Entry #2 02/01 - 02/07 "Timeline Master Plan"

These are some of the things I hope to accomplish in my ten weeks of fieldwork. I do not think that I will get through all the interviews, however I hope to conduct three.

My goals:
+ Decide what product to sell.
+ Research what products are hot.
+ Decide what my brand name is and what the mentality behind my brand is.
+ Design and create all of my products.
+ Create a website where my products are sold.
+ Interview experts in the field. (See below.)
+ Decide the best way to advertise my website.
+ Come up with a unique, cohesive, green packaging.
+ Create business cards.
+ Follow a book on creating a company & read a book on marketing.

+ Show the development of my site with a stop animation movie.
+ Create a running, attractive blog with traffic.
+ Conduct DE surveys to see what logos, products, designs appeal to who (age, grade, and gender)
+ Advertise on FredFlare

Note: I realize that I am being very ambitious in my plan and that everything on my Master Plan may not be accomplished, however I will do as much as I can and hopefully create a design-conscious brand and website with excellent guidance in an environmentally-friendly fashion. I have also taken out the names of the people I plan to interview.

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